Sexual kinks and fetishes

A recent escort assignment at a rather special location made me realize how high the demand/interest for kinky sexuality really is. The place was fully equipped with every imaginable tools

The Most Common Sex Myths

There are many beliefs about sex that are not true, and there are just as many that are falsely labeled as “myth” and they are actually correct. In this blog

Five Good Reasons to Hire an Escort

Hello 2021!! May I wish happy new year to all of you with the hope of taking steps back towards normality that we used to know before coronavirus had hit

Occupational Hazard: Falling in Love with a Client

Without a doubt, being an escort has its potential risks and possibility to get harmed. Today’s post is all about the emotional risks of escorting, namely: what happens if fondness

The Top 10 Female Erogenous Zones

Some sexual encounters are just mind-blowing and way better than others, but why? Does it have to do with the partner’s appearance, age or body type? What is the key

Top 10 female sexual fantasies

Top 10 Female Sexual Fantasies That Wants to be Fulfilled  Every woman on earth has fantasized about some explicit sexual fantasy that she may or may not have been too

Erotic Roleplay Ideas to Spice Up Your Sex Life

There are plenty of things you can do to spice up your sex life (find my earlier tip here or another idea here) even if you’ve been with your partner

Sex dreams: The truth behind them

If you’ve ever woken up confused — and maybe even slightly aroused — about why your dreams were full of steamy sex scenes with you as the main character, you’re

Sex With an Ex: Go for It or Rather Pass?

Depending on how long it’s been since you broke up, sex with an ex can seem like a fantastic idea. You already have the intimacy part down, you know each

Ancient Birth Control Methods: Ways for Women To Avoid Pregnancy

Since the beginning of time, humans have engaged in sexual activity for other purposes than reproducing. Until the late 19th and 20th centuries, couples were using all kinds of different
